US Doctor Makes Aliyah After Volunteering at Hadassah

September 9, 2024

US Doctor Makes Aliyah After Volunteering at Hadassah

Dr. Eugene Rapaport, a cardiothoracic anesthesiologist from California, spent two weeks volunteering at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem after October 7. Now, he’s making aliyah.

“I feel my blessing is being a doctor. I wanted to make sure that if somebody was ready to give their life for the State of Israel and got hurt, I would be able to help them,” Dr. Rapaport told JNS.

Dr. Rapaport volunteered through Nefesh B’Nefesh’s wartime Physician Volunteer Initiative, during which he cared for approximately five patients per day.

“There were a few patients who I had the privilege of caring for at Hadassah. One of them was hit with an RPG [rocket-propelled grenade], and I gave him a nerve block to stop the pain in his arm,” Dr. Rapaport said. “Even if it was just for that one individual, it was worthwhile and even more so being here permanently now.”

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