VP Voices: Liz Alpert

February 18, 2025

VP Voices: Liz Alpert

A Hadassah leader who has held many varying positions before rising through the ranks to become a Hadassah national vice president, Liz Alpert of Santa Cruz, California, is dedicated to Hadassah. In fact, she speaks about her involvement with Hadassah as being her “third career.”

A computer scientist since 1959, Alpert’s resume is impressive to say the least, including work at Bell Telephone Laboratories and IBM. Twenty years as a professor in the field followed. Now retired, Hadassah has her time. And heart. “I work hard at it because I believe in it.”

She credits her passion for Hadassah to a love for Israel that blossomed during her very first trip there in 1976. Feeling a deep connection to the country and its people sparked her desire to learn more about the Jewish homeland and to visit again. And again. She has since lived in Israel while on a one-year sabbatical and spent numerous summer vacation times enrolled in education programs at Hebrew University and Hebrew Union College.

While working and traveling in her earlier life, Alpert was also involved in her Jewish community, including as president of her local synagogue, spokesperson for Israel Bonds, and participant in the Soviet Jewry project. Though not involved with Hadassah, she knew about the work of Hadassah and became a life member in the early ‘80s. When asked why she hadn’t been active in Hadassah sooner, Alpert replied in earnest, ‘I didn’t have the time.’

But she pledged that when she retired, that would change. And she kept her promise. Once word spread that she had retired, she was appointed co-president of the Hadassah Santa Cruz Chapter.

Then, in 2000, at her very first Hadassah national convention, Alpert said, “I walked into an auditorium with thousands, literally thousands, of women singing and dancing with an enthusiasm I could hardly believe.”

“And that was it. I realized, ‘You know what? This is Hadassah. This is where I can continue my connection with Israel and the people of Israel.’”

Since then, Alpert has taken on many region-level VP roles: Program, Organization and Annual Planning, and in 2008, she became region president of Hadassah Central Pacific Coast. In 2011, with the region presidency over, she was elected to the National Board, became an area resource chair, the resource chairs team leader, and simultaneously served three two-year terms on the Hadassah Foundation Board. In 2015, she was a Hadassah delegate to the World Zionist Congress. Most recently, she was serving as chair of the geographic areas until her vice presidency began in 2023. Alpert said she enjoyed working in the Organization Division because “it keeps Hadassah moving.”

Alpert stresses the importance of staff and volunteers working collaboratively to achieve organizational goals. “I think most people at Hadassah want some kind of feeling of togetherness,” she said.

In partnership with the national president, Alpert also serves as the chair of the Unit Oversight and Compliance Committee. When a chapter had refused to transition to centralized banking, thus being in a position of non-compliance, it was the responsibility of the Oversight & Compliance Committee to resolve the issue. Alpert coordinated the efforts of the most well-positioned people to successfully get the job done.

“I saw how you could put together volunteers, the staff, etc., and work together to solve problems.”

While considering her future role at Hadassah when her VP term ends this year, Alpert’s support for Hadassah has no expiration date. “Hadassah has given me personal growth opportunities for which I am eternally grateful.”  

“I’m a big Hadassah Medical Organization supporter,” she said. “What our hospitals contribute to life in Jerusalem is extremely important.” A Hadassah Founder many times over and a Luminary Major Gifts donor, Alpert stressed the continuing challenge of advancing Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold’s legacy of providing healthcare to the people of Israel and supporting at-risk youth at Hadassah’s Youth Aliyah villages. “We need to keep raising the funds necessary for doing that. It’s why I’m still involved.”

The Fun Facts

Gefilte fish: Yes or No?

Yes, only on holidays

Favorite Jewish holiday treat?

Charoset (apples and nuts) on Passover

Favorite Jewish author?

Amos Oz, Yehuda Amichai novels, poetry

If you could have dinner with any historical Jewish woman, who would it be?

Hannah Senesh

Hadassah vice presidents play a critical role in setting organizational priorities, raising funds and serving as representatives for Hadassah at the national level. There are six vice presidents on the Hadassah National Board at any one time, and each brings her own unique experience and skill set to the position. In this series, we invite you to get to know these Hadassah vice presidents.

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