What I Want the World to Know on Israel's 70th

May 2, 2018

What I Want the World to Know on Israel's 70th

"I want the world to know that Zionism is a positive force for all of humanity. It’s something to be celebrated. Not just on Israel’s birthday, but every day of the year," writes Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin in the Times of Israel.

"Israel just celebrated its 70th birthday, and I had the honor of being there. The celebrations and positive energy moved me to my core. There was singing, dancing, some crying, and the true spirit of Zionism was all around me," she writes, reflecting on her recent trip to Israel for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut reminded her that Zionism is something to be celebrated every day.   

Read her full column here. 

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