"What's Next for Israel? A Conversation with Yossi Klein Halevi"

May 22, 2020

"What's Next for Israel? A Conversation with Yossi Klein Halevi"

Yossi Klein Halevi is a noted Israeli political analyst and the bestselling author of Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor and Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation. In this candid conversation hosted by the Hadassah Magazine Discussion Group with Magazine Executive Editor Lisa Hostein, he describes his personal ties to Israel as an American-born Jew who made aliyah. He offers his perspective on the complexities of the current political situation in Israel, including recent election turmoil and the formation of the new government. He describes shifting attitudes in the Arab world toward Israel, signs of cautious optimism, and what he views as essential components in any ongoing peace talks. For that and more, watch this highly illuminating interview.

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