What Shabbat Means to Me: Family, Food, and Community

August 13, 2019

What Shabbat Means to Me: Family, Food, and Community

Welcome to Hadassah’s monthly Shabbat column at Thrive Global, a media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

Each month a Hadassah leader writes about the broad theme of Shabbat. Family recipes, heirlooms or even reuniting with family members, these can all be part of Friday night Shabbat dinners.  For this month's featured writer Carol Goodman Kaufman, the National Chair of the Hadassah Youth Aliyah program, Shabbat has always meant three things: family, food, and community. Read as she reflects on the Shabbat recipes that have stayed with her from childhood and how her family celebrated each week.   

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