What Shabbat Means to Me: Our Family Passion

June 18, 2019

What Shabbat Means to Me: Our Family Passion

Welcome to Hadassah’s monthly Shabbat column at Thrive Global, a media platform founded by Arianna Huffington.

Each month a Hadassah leader writes about the broad theme of Shabbat and what it means to her. For Barbara B. Spack, currently Hadassah's Young Judaea Chair, the celebration of Shabbat and watching her mom lit the candles gave her a feeling that she has cherished for almost 80 years.  It is that feeling that she has tried to pass down to her children and grandchildren through not only the lighting of the candles but the family recipes.

In this month's column she offers her unique perspective and lets readers in on the passion her family feels during this time.

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