From March 10 to May 4, American Jews over the age of 18 will have an opportunity to choose who represents them in the 39th World Zionist Congress. Once the new Congress is in place, it will oversee over $1.2 billion annually for the next five years, impacting Jews who live in Israel and in the diaspora.

There are 21 slates competing for seats, each with its own platform. Hadassah received special status in 1994, which granted us 32 permanent seats with full voting rights. These delegates vote according to Hadassah’s values. If you want people who think like you to decide where money is allocated or which policies matter, you must choose the slate that best matches your values.

Vote through May 4 at

Your VOte Makes a Difference

How to Vote

1. Go to starting March 10.
2. Register and pay the $5 fee (which covers operating costs). Use a credit card connected to your home address.
3. VOTE (voting ends May 4)
4. Encourage friends and family to vote too!

To be eligible, you must:

·  Be Jewish
·  Be at least 18 years old by June 30, 2025
·  Be a US citizen or legal permanent resident
·  Maintain primary residence in the US
·  Affirm your commitment to the Jerusalem Program (the Zionist movement platform)
·  Not have voted in the November 2022 Knesset election

Keep Hadassah's Values in Mind

Religious Pluralism

Hadassah is committed to religious pluralism. This means we respect egalitarian prayer spaces and we recognize the spectrum of Jewish religious denominations. Hadassah believes this is the way to preserve Jewish unity. We oppose anything that alienates segments of the world’s Jewish community from their connection to Israel.

Voting in the WZC election is how we influence the makeup of the Congress to ensure all Jewish voices are respected and heard.

Diversity of Opinions

Judaism holds that each person is made in the image of G-D; this is why we need to treat each other with dignity. Hadassah’s support for respectful dialogue between different groups, whether religious, secular or from different sides of the political spectrum, underpins our desire for the World Zionist Congress to make room for everyone and all voices at the table.

Voting for a slate that embraces this value ensures that budgetary and other decisions take all  Am Yisrael into consideration.

Women's Leadership

Hadassah exemplifies women’s leadership. After she founded Hadassah, Henrietta Szold attended the 11th Zionist Congress; 15 years later, she became the first woman to be elected to the Zionist Executive. Today, Hadassah leads the way in amplifying the voices of Zionist women, including through our annual list of American Zionist Women You Should Know.

Voting in the WZC elections demonstrates the power of women.

Strengthening Israel-Diaspora Relations

Hadassah’s strength in supporting Zionism is expressed through what we do around the world. Medical partnerships are one part of the story. Joining together to #EndTheSilence was another. Advocacy activities, including educating our elected officials about Israel, is yet another.

Voting in the WZC election is a strong way for the diaspora Jewish community to connect with Israel.

Hadassah's Influence

After the last World Zionist Congress elections in 2020, Hadassah stood at the forefront of heading off a crisis due to divisions between parties who championed pluralism and those who did not. The majority bloc proposed a coalition agreement that would have been exclusionary, changing the World Zionist Organization, which carries out the Congress’ vision. Hadassah’s former National President Rhoda Smolow called for the coalition agreement to “be redrafted in favor of a wide, balanced agreement that includes all Zionist movements, one that represents world Jewry both inIsrael and the Diaspora.” Thankfully, in the end, such an agreement was unanimously passed.

To ensure this does not happen again, it is imperative to vote.

Hadassah’s Zionist Values

As we codified in our 2021 policy statement, Hadassah is committed to strengthening “the Zionist community and its steadfast dedication to inclusivity, diversity and pluralism within the Zionist movement.” See all of Hadassah’s policy statements at 

How to Vote

1.  Go to starting March 10. [TRACKING LINK]

2.  Register and pay the $5 fee(which covers operating costs). Use a credit card connected to your home address.

3.   VOTE (voting ends May 4)

4.  Encourage friends and family to vote too!

To ensure such a crisis does not happen again, it is imperative to vote.

There are 21 slates competing for seats, each with its own platform.

Slates with more votes play a larger part in saying where that money gets spent and according to whose agenda.

To be eligible, you must: 

· Be Jewish

·  Be at least 18 years old byJune 30, 2025

· Be a U.S.citizen or legal permanent resident

· Maintain primary residencein the U.S.

· Affirm your commitment tothe JerusalemProgram (the Zionist movement platform)

· Not have voted in theNovember 2022 Knesset election. 

Vote Today