Hadassah Fertility Expert Shares the Many Paths to Parenthood

June 11, 2020

Hadassah Fertility Expert Shares the Many Paths to Parenthood

As Hadassah marks World Infertility Month, forging ahead with an organization-wide “reConceiving Infertiity” awareness campaign, the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem is helping infertile Israelis to fulfill their dream of having children.

“Every conceivable fertility treatment is offered at Hadassah,” relates Prof. Hananel Holzer, head of Hadassah’s Fertility Department. Hadassah, he explains, addresses an infertile couple’s physical problems, as well as the “emotional rollercoaster” that is intrinsic to infertility treatments. From oral medication and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to art therapy and yoga, Hadassah offers couples many paths to increase their chances of becoming pregnant. As Dr. Holzer notes, “Whatever improves the quality of life for the couple is important in improving the success of fertility treatments.”

Learn about the many causes of male and female infertility and the role genetics may play. Hear how Hadassah freezes the ovarian tissue of pediatric cancer patients to preserve their fertility, and the innovative research Hadassah is conducting to achieve similar success in freezing testicular tissue. Be inspired as Prof. Holzer shares his love for his work and the stories of couples he has helped to conceive.

Click to Hadassah on Call’s latest podcast, featuring Dr. Holzer.

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