We're here for you! Connect with Hadassah from home.

March 25, 2020

We're here for you! Connect with Hadassah from home.

Welcome to this week's edition of Hadassah@Home, our new email detailing ways you can connect with Hadassah from the safety and comfort of your own home.

We hope that in this strange new normal, these online programs are a help to you. During difficult times, Hadassah women have forged a sense of community that keeps us strong, giving us the means to not only sustain one another but heal others in the US, Israel and around the world. By following CDC guidelines and minimizing in-person contact, we are helping heal the world together. Let’s stay strong and stay connected.

Join Us Online:

Check out last's week's edition of Hadassah@Home for more resources to keep you engaged and connected.

Read More: Coronavirus Updates from Israel and in Our Communities.

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