Women of Vision | S1 E3 — Jennifer J. Raab: Creating the Crown Jewel in NYC’s Public University System

Jennifer J. Raab will soon mark her 20th anniversary as President of Hunter College, the largest college in the City University of New York system and one she transformed from an open-admissions institution into a selective, highly ranked college. In the third episode of Hadassah Presents: Women of Vision, President Raab talks to Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman about the importance of public higher education and the challenges facing colleges and universities today.

Women of Vision | S1 E1 — Dr. Mehnaz M. Afridi: Bridging Divides Through Holocaust Education

In the premiere episode of Hadassah Presents: Women of Vision, Dr. Mehnaz M. Afridi, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College and Director of its Holocaust, Genocide, and Interfaith Education Center (HGI), joins Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman for a fascinating conversation on the importance of teaching the Holocaust and creating mutual understanding between Muslims and Jews. Dr. Afridi is believed to be the only Muslim teacher of the Holocaust in the US, and likely the world.

Women of Vision | S1 E6 — Jane Eisner: Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Journalism

Journalist Jane Eisner was the first female editor-in-chief of The Forward, one of the country’s top Jewish newspapers — a position she held for more than a decade. In this episode of Hadassah Presents: Women of Vision, Eisner speaks with Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman about rising through the ranks of journalism as a woman, the differences between working in mainstream and Jewish media and her advice to young journalists who want to break into the field.

Women of Vision | S1 E2 — Dr. Georgette Bennett: The Power of Interfaith Alliances

Dr. Georgette Bennett, founder of the Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees (MFA) and the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding, has shown the world that by bridging ethnic and religious divides, by working together, individuals can have enormous impact. Listen as Dr. Bennett discusses her humanitarian work with Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman, including what inspired her to help Syrian refugees and how she builds interfaith alliances to serve the common good.

Women of Vision | S1 E5 — Sivan Yaari: Using Israeli Technology to Change Lives in Africa

For more than a decade, Sivan Yaari's nonprofit organization, Innovation: Africa, has used Israeli technology to bring lifesaving assistance to African countries lacking light, water and electricity. Yaari speaks with Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman about founding Innovation: Africa and how, despite the COVID pandemic, it succeeded in bringing these critical resources to more than one million people in 2020 alone. Yaari also talks about how access to these resources can empower the women in these communities.

Women of Vision | S1 E4 — Rear Admiral Susan J. Blumenthal: Advancing the Cause of Women’s Health

One of the country’s foremost heath care leaders, Rear Admiral Susan J. Blumenthal is a passionate advocate for women’s health and a wide range of other national and international public health issues. She joins Hadassah CEO Janice Weinman to discuss her pioneering work as America’s first Deputy Assistant Secretary for Women’s Health, the health care challenges women face today and the importance of ensuring women’s health equity — a key part of Hadassah’s mission.
