It's Wednesday. We hope these new Hadassah offerings help get you over the hump.

April 1, 2020

It's Wednesday. We hope these new Hadassah offerings help get you over the hump.

Welcome to this week's edition of Hadassah@Home, our email detailing ways you can connect with Hadassah from the safety and comfort of your own home.

When so much is being cancelled or postponed, there’s comfort knowing that Passover is still coming. This year, our celebrations will definitely be different. But that only makes Passover’s message resonate more deeply, as we mark a time when the Jewish people demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of tremendous darkness. As before, our togetherness is a source of strength, something we hope you’ll find in this week’s offerings. We might be distanced from one another in space but never in spirit. Hadassah connects us all.

Ways to Connect: What’s Ahead

  • Find balance in our new online series: Tomorrow, we are launching "Resilience & Relaxation with Rebecca." Twice each week, Rabbi Rebecca W. Sirbu — Hadassah's Director of Member & Unit Services — will lead online, 30-minute sessions to help you attain a sense of peace and well-being.
    Thursdays at 1:30 pm EDT. Register.
    Tuesdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Register.
    Note, each session is new and live — no repeats. (Due to Passover, there will be no sessions on Thursday April 9 or Thursday April 16).
  • Be counted: Civic engagement remains an important Hadassah value. Today is the official Census deadline. If you haven't done so, take a few minutes to complete your 2020 Census — online at or by phone.
  • Stay informed: Hadassah Doctor on JBS-TV In an interview with Marc Golub of JBS-TV, the Director of Infectious Diseases for Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, Dr. Allon Moses, explains how physical separation is the most important means of protection against contracting the virus, and distinguishes between the threat it poses to individuals and the horrific effects the virus can have on the world's population. Watch the interview here.
  • In case you missed it: You can watch a recording of last week’s informative and deeply moving Online Magazine Discussion: "Struggling with Infertility" featuring Hadassah Magazine executive editor Lisa Hostein in conversation with Amy Klein about her new book, The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind.

5 More Ways to Connect

Check out last's week's edition of Hadassah@Home for more resources to keep you engaged and connected. Keep up on COVID-19 updates from Israel and in our communities at our webpage.

NOTE: Many online events will ask for your Hadassah ID number to register.

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